What Is Your Skin Type?
September 15, 2022
Do not touch your face with dirty hands. When you touch your face, whatever is on your hands transfers to your skin.
Nothing comes easy, everything comes as a price. Good and radiant skin is possible through good habits, it doesn’t just fall from the sky (don’t you wish it does though?).
Today’s post isn’t about the good habits though, it is about the very common bad habits that we are all guilty of, so if you come across this post, see it as a reminder to change your ways
Habit 1:
Do not touch your face with dirty hands. When you touch your face, whatever is on your hands transfers to your skin. Your hardworking hands come into contact with dirt, grime, and a whole lot of other unsavory stuff, so ensure that you wash your hands often and minimize their contact with your face. The same advice applies to your cell phone that you hold up to your face. Make sure you clean it regularly.

It is important that you wash your face immediately and wipe with a clean towel.
— EA
Habit 2:
Not washing and moisturizing your face immediately you come home: Every single time we step out, we expose our skin to all sorts of things ranging from smoke, to dust. Sometimes we feel them settle on our face like layers of masks. It is important that you wash your face immediately and wipe with a clean towel.
Habit 3:
Do not pick at pimples or other skin imperfections. You have probably heard that popping your pimples is a fast-track solution to clearer skin, but that couldn’t be further from truth. The gooey stuff that comes out of pimples is bacteria and oil, so when you do pick at them you do one of two things: push the goo further into the infected pore, or allow it to disperse into other pores, ultimately causing more pimples.
Which ones are you guilty of?