Some people have skin that is prone to dryness all year long, but others experience temporary dryness only during the dry, harsh Harmattan months. Whether dry […]
Teenage acne is a term for acne in teenagers that is often triggered by hormonal changes during puberty, causing the skin to become much oilier. With […]
Suppose your skin tends to respond to skincare products, cosmetics, and environmental stressors with reactions such as dryness, redness, flakiness, and inflammation. In that case, you’re […]
Despite the media representations of psoriasis often only showing how it affects people with lighter skin tones, it also affects people of all races, including Africans […]
From the name you already have an idea about what we’ll be talking about today; post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. We’ve previously spoken about hyperpigmentation, so if you want […]